The following is a list comes via Work+Money.
Highest Paying Jobs of 2017
This list represents the top 15 of 25 highest paying jobs of 2017, according to Work+Money. There are definite patterns to the educational needs for each of these jobs, including health, science, engineering, computer science, design, communications, and research.
The Regional Comprehensive High School Application Design Committee has been working hard to design a framework for a rigorous academic program that integrates secondary education, career and technical education, industry certification and partnerships, and higher education, with the intention of providing students career-oriented clusters to contextualize and authenticate the learning experiences of all students.
Find more information about the framework for the integration of programs, including the currently drafted and proposed career-oriented clusters (for application submittal by December 29, 2017) on the Regional Comprehensive High School website.
**Please note that the drafted and proposed career-oriented clusters do not represent a finalized list, but represent a framework to begin program design and structure if and only if the project is approved to move forward in 2018).**