Supporting 21st Century Learning
All students will be creators and purveyors of content, connected to a vast global audience and support network, collaborative problem-solvers and designers of innovative ideas, and apply critical-thinking in all aspects of life using technology as a critical and embedded tool. Technology is utilized as a support mechanism to help students learn and connect with instruction. Maker-spaces, 3D printing, robotics, and other digital-age platforms are helping our students learn to create and design solutions to problems in hands-on and authentic ways. We strive toward consistency with technology use and to incorporate technology into the everyday learning environment.
We believe technology supports our students in applying their learning in meaningful and relevant ways. It helps our classrooms and learning environments become more personalized and individualized.
AOS #94 is deeply committed to authentic and relevant learning spaces and environments for all students, and in the 21st century this means effectively integrating technology throughout our schools, classrooms, and lives in education. For more information on how AOS #94 is working to make these ideas realities, click here to open the MSAD #46 Technology Plan (2017-2020).
AOS #94 continues to be a part of the MLTI program through the Maine Department of Education, providing technological support, professional development, and state-of-the-art devices into the hands of our students.
To access our MLTI Page, click the MLTI Image above.
For more information on the MLTI program, click here.