Superintendent of Schools Kevin Jordan

Welcome to AOS #94

Our Vision For Learning

The Community is the heart of the AOS #94 schools, and the AOS #94 schools are the heart of the community. AOS #94 supports lifelong learning, creates a respectful and safe learning environment, and integrates technology meaningfully to facilitate learning necessary for the 21st century. All AOS #94 students actively engage in collaborative and independent learning experiences that are academically rigorous, globally connected, relevant, authentic, and designed to meet the individual needs of each student. Students analyze real world problems and share innovative solutions that extend beyond the classroom into the community. Learning is personalized to meet the needs and to honor the passions of all students in their journey to being college and career ready.

Superintendent’s Welcome

Dear AOS #94 Community,

It is an honor to continue serving as Superintendent for Alternative Organizational Structure #94 comprising six great communities in Central Maine. We are proud to be a district that is moving towards a student-centered and proficiency-based learning system; creating innovative opportunities for students to be ready for college, ready for career, and ready for anything.

Our success in AOS #94 is the direct result of a deep commitment on the part of the school board, administrators, teachers, support staff, students, parents and community partners. Working together we make the AOS #94 schools a very special place where possibilities are endless.

We know those parents, students, and other members of the community rely upon AOS #94 for a wide range of information. This website is an essential tool for providing that information in a clear, accessible, and user-friendly format. Our new website has been built with you in mind. Perhaps its most significant feature is that it is mobile responsive; delivering an optimal user experience for those who access our information from a mobile device. Content is now easier to find and has been organized in a more logical and user-friendly manner. I would also draw your attention to the Dexter Regional High School video that features students and staff and the international student video welcoming our students from the Dexter Regional High School of Suzhou, China.

Please continue to watch for updates to our new website and as always if you have a question or concern regarding our schools please feel free to contact me.

Kevin T Jordan
Proud Superintendent of AOS #94 Schools

2024-2025 Budget Information

2024-2025 Budget Documents
  • AOS 94 Proposed Budget 2024-2025 (Coming Soon)
  • MSAD #46 Proposed Budget 2024-2025 (Coming Soon)
  • Harmony Proposed Budget 2024-2025 (Coming Soon)
  • Athens Proposed Budget 2024-2025 (Coming Soon)

*All Budget Development Meetings will start at 6:00pm in Superintendent’s Office.

2023-2024 Budget Information

District Administration

SuperintendentKevin Jordan(207) 924-6000
Receptionist/SecretaryLisa Rappleyea(207) 924-6000
Assistant SuperintendentPatrick O’Neill(207) 924-7670
Business ManagerSandra Padham(207) 924-6000
Payroll & BenefitsKatie Grant(207) 924-6000
Secretary/Administrative AssistantCaroline Fry(207) 924-6000
Director of Curriculum-Instruction-AssessmentMatthew Drewette-Card(207) 924-6000 
Director of Technology and Information SystemsPaul Shaw(207) 924-6000 
Director of Special EducationMichele Horne(207) 924-6000
Special Education Administrative AssistantRoberta Bemis(207) 924-6000
Director of Facilities and MaintenanceDave Gudroe(207) 924-6000
Director of NutritionGail Merrill(207) 924-7677
Director of Transportation Shelly Bennett(207) 924-6000
Director of Adult EducationThelma Regan(207) 924-6216