On January 11th & 12th , Dexter Regional High School will be having two full school days for students to work on recovering unmet standards (grades 9-12). As part of our transition to Proficiency Based Grading, there is a need to do this at the end of each semester. We will be an open campus for those two school days and only students that have been identified and notified will need to be in attendance. Students that are meeting all of their standards in all of their classes will not need to be in school. Students that are currently not meeting standards will be informed by their teacher in person (paper notification) or by email. Parents and students are encouraged to check their grades using the Power School portal. Parents are also encouraged to call or email the school if you have questions (924-5536).

This is a unique opportunity for students to get individual attention from teachers in the classes that they may be struggling in. Students that do not take advantage of and attend these two school days will continue to have unmet standards and therefore will be falling behind in their progress towards graduation. In many cases, these standard recovery days lead directly to a summer school experience. Students that intentionally skip these recovery days will forfeit their opportunity to attend summer school and may be signed up for the same class for the 2018-19 school year.
