
All Ridge View Community School Families!
Please Join Us December 6 at 5:00pm

Family Code Night with the Hour of Code

Family Code Night is a whole-school, whole-family RVCS event at which kids grades K-5 and their parents do their first hour of computer programming – together! At this special evening of learning and fun, you’ll play in parent-child teams to complete fun Code.orgÆ puzzles and challenges at your own pace, and learn core concepts in coding in this very first hour. Afterwards, you’ll go home with a special “Code On at Home” guide to continue coding puzzles, learning and fun at home. No coding experience needed, laptops available if needed (bring one device for each two attendees if you can). This is a great experience to share with your kids!

We’ll start at 5:00pm at RVCS. The program is free, but space is limited, so please sign up today! You’ll be coding with your kids in no time!

Register FOR FREE for Family Code Night here:

Volunteers Welcome! Or join us as a Coach!
Parents who want to help out as event Volunteers are welcome. And parents and kids with tech experience, or kids who have done the “Hour of Code” already, are encouraged to help out as Code Coaches. If interested, please email Jess Mallar ( and we’ll send you an advance prep memo and we’ll meet up a few minutes early for orientation.

We’ll see you and your kids at Family Code Night!
