COVID Relief Use of Funds

COVID Relief Funds


American Rescue Plan (September, 2021)


ESSER 2 (Jan. 2021)


CARES/ESSER 1 (May 2020)






Total Federal COVID Relief Funds

COVID Funds Information Request

Have a question or request for us, related to the Use of COVID funds at MSAD #46? Ask away.
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American Rescue Plan – Community Feedback & Ideas Survey

The MSAD #46 American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Application survey was distributed and available for all students, educators, staff, caregivers, and community members to participate and provide ideas and feedback regarding the development and design of the ARP Application.

Click here to see survey results.

To see a copy of the survey, see below.


The ARP Application was submitted on September 23, 2021. The survey is now closed and is no longer accepting responses.

COVID Funds News and Updates
