MSAD #46, under the leadership of Paul Shaw (Director of Technology and Information Systems) has drafted an updated District Technology Plan to guide our district in the use, purchasing, and integration of technology for the next five years.  This plan is notable in its changes from previous technology plans.  In the past, technology plans have focused heavily on the devices to be purchased.  However, as technology has evolved and improved, and will continue to do so, our technology plan needs to be focused on the learning and the use of the technology more than the devices themselves.  This updated plan focuses on areas like “Integration,”  “Customizability,” “Access,“Responsible Use,”Shared Leadership,” and “Professional Learning,” and, in particular, bringing a laser-focus to our school district technology-use culture to be based off of the core principles of being an effective digital-age learner:

  • 4C’s
    • Collaboration
    • Communication
    • Critical-Thinking
    • Creativity

District Technology Plans are due in to the State Department of Education by July 1, 2017.

If you would like to provide feedback, comments, or have questions about the District Technology Plan, you may:
