College & Career Readiness

Ready For College; Ready For Career; Ready For Anything

Dexter Regional High School prepares learners to be integrated and informed thinkers as well as responsible and involved citizens. The administration, faculty, and staff in partnership with the community support self-directed and lifelong learning, clear and effective communications, creative and practical problem solving, and collaborative and quality work.

Ready For Anything

Students graduating from Dexter Regional High School have a proven and historic record of attending and succeeding at some of the best and most elite colleges and universities in the world. Our students are provided with a unique, personalized learning experience in a small school, small community environment that is globally connected and proficiency-based. Dexter Regional High School has a history of excellence, having been recognized as one of the Best High Schools in Maine multiple times and maintains a full accreditation through the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). To see our full school profile: click this link.

Proficiency-Based Learning

Dexter Regional High School is committed to being a personalized and proficiency-based learning environment for all students. Our educators and staff have the highest expectations of all students in our school, and we use multiple methods and approaches to customize our learning pathways for each individual student. Because each student deserves it. For more information about Proficiency-Based Learning, click here.

Habits of Work and Guiding Principles

Beyond academics, we believe and support all students in meeting the unique and challenges facing digital age learners in the 21st century. Our school and educators integrate their content with skills and methods that all learners need to succeed in our highly globalized world. Those skills include:

  • Clear and effective communication
  • Integrated and informed thinking
  • Creative and practical problem solving
  • Self-directed lifelong learning
  • Responsible and involved citizenship

For more information, on our Habits of Work and Guiding Principles, click here.
