Ridge View Community School Named One of the Best Middle Schools in Maine


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Preparing students to be ready for college, ready for a career, and ready for anything.

Ridge View Community School provides a safe and positive learning environment that fosters a love of learning in each child, and where every child can achieve to his/her fullest potential academically and socially.

Our school strives to meet students’ individual needs, whether that be in their assigned classroom, or within grade level learning environments. Both classroom environments and alternative environments create an opportunity for targeted small instructional groups and collaborative whole group activities. These environments are student-centered, honor what students know, and encourage high expectations for success through developmentally appropriate instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles.

We embrace the idea of continuous change to improve the quality of education and experiences for our students. We provide learning opportunities for our students and staff, as we offer on-site professional development and experiences, which allow teachers to apply what they learn directly in their classrooms. This view of lifelong learning also supports and celebrates a growth mindset.

What is Proficiency-Based Learning?

Students engage in hands-on, applied learning at all levels.

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Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family. – Kofi Annan

hands on learning