In early March, 2018, the Regional Comprehensive High School Project Committee submitted an appeal regarding the scoring process for the High School Project. The response from the Maine Department of Education (MDOE) was received at Central Office on May 14, 2018. The MDOE wrote that there was “insufficient documentation to support the scoring decisions for Part 2, and as a result, Part 2 will be rescored”. The Department is currently establishing a new review panel and process to rescore Part 2 only of the Regional High School Project for all three applications. Part 1 of the application process will not be rescored. The Committee and Administration are awaiting further information regarding the new panel and process, and will share out any information as soon as it is available.

Below is the full letter from MDOE. It can also be accessed under the “Part Two Scoring and Appeals Documents” drop down menu on the Regional Comprehensive High School page on
